1.Double – click the downloaded Animiz and begin to install. 


2.“Welcome to the Animiz Animation Maker” and click next. 


3.A window pops up with a License Agreement. Choose “I accept the agreement” and click “Next”. 


4.“Choose the Install Location” to install your file and click “Next” 

install animiz

5.“Select Start Menu Folder" and click “Next”.

install animiz


6.In the next popup window, select the “Additional Tasks” including Create a desktop shortcut or Pin Animiz to taskbar. Then click “Next”. 

install animiz

7.“Ready to Install” – Click Install 


8.Please wait for the installing 

install animiz 

9.After installing, you can choose to launch Animiz immediately. 

 install animiz

10.Open Animiz – the amazing animation maker 

install animiz

[Click to zoom in]