Animiz provides rich images and backgrounds color for embellishing scenes. You can customize unique background for the scenes. 

1.Add background image

Click “Background”, and click “+” on the timeline to enter the background images library.

1)Add background image from Animiz

Click “Background”, and click “+” on the timeline to enter the background images library.

Choose an appropriate image from the classification of Simple/ Landscape/Person /Video/ Line/ Others. 

 add background image

2) Customize the background image. 

   Click “Background”, and click “+” on the timeline to enter the background images library. Click “Choose file” to open a local file and select one image to be the background image. 

 add background image

2.Add background color 

Click “Background”, and click “+” on the timeline to enter the background library. Choose one background color and click “Apply”.

 add background color