Animation Video Examples

Creative and interactive animated video presentations designed by Animiz video editing software


Sales Planning

Business Ideas

Product Sales

China US Education Difference

Free and Stunning Online Templates

You may have no idea about how to start a video presentation, but here you will be easy to design your work with a range of premium templates. There are more than 100 templates and you can quickly choose one to customize any content in accordance with your marketing campaign.

Lively and Fantastic Animation Effects

It is so important to make audiences focus on your video presentation. Apart from the free use of pre-made online templates, you can go ahead to design an animated and interactive content with different types of animation effects (entrance, emphasis and exit). It can definitely help to interest your audiences and make your video play in a professional way.

Powerful Built-in Chart System

With Animiz built-in chart system, you are able to build powerful visualization to give points and marketing information with ease. There are so many chart styles including Bar Chart, Dot Chart, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart, Stacking Chart, Radar Chart, Mixed Chart, Nightingale Rose Chart and Table. You can quickly chose one of the chart templates, and then drag and drop it into canvas to customize by yourself.

Effective Cloud-based Publishing Platform

Animiz animated video editing software will also gives you the chance to publish your animated video presentations to the cloud to boost your online marketing video works. Once the animated video has been published online, you will be allowed to share them on many popular social networking services to make them reachable for more potential clients and customers, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and more.

5 steps to create an animated video presentation

Step 1

Begin an animated video presentation with an online template.

Step 2

Add some stunning and amazing animation effects to embellish your designed contents.

Step 3

Use appropriately some built-in charts to give points and information about your business.

Step 4

Publish your generated video presentation to the Cloud and make it effective online.

Step 5

Share video presentation works on social networking websites to make them expose to more people.

Make Animated Video Presentations with Animiz
Free, Fast & Fun

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