Cartoon Video Presentation Examples

Interesting and charming cartoon presentation with animation effects created by Animiz Video Software

Classroom And Planet

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Summer Social Practice Activity

Product Sales

How To Set Goals

Camera Effects for Zooming, Panning, and Rotating

Animiz video presentation software makes it possible for anyone to create all kinds of interactive presentations to satisfy different objectives. You are easy to create a professional cartoon presentation by yourself without having any design experience. Make full use of remarkable camera feature, so that you can easily create fantastic zooming, panning and rotating effects to improve your cartoon presentation. You are allowed to add unlimited cameras, and the size of the camera can be adjusted as you like.

Animated Roles towards Lively Cartoon Presentation

Don't forget those gorgeous dynamic materials if you want to produce a vivid and lively cartoon creation work. Animiz makes everything convenient in your presentation design. There are tons of pre-set intriguing roles supplied to create cartoon video explainer in all scenes. These roles have been designed with different action effects and expressions, so just drag and drop, everything will be done in a minute. Besides, you have the option to customize your stylish roles from the local file. It is also very simple.

Take Great Advantage of SWT Materials

SWT materials are the importance of an engaging animated cartoon presentation, and very perfect for getting rid of single and still content. Animiz animated video creator supplies numerous awesome online SWT materials for users to edit and customize personalized work. They are grouped into different categories, such as Dynamic Background, Person, Scene, Bubbles, Balloon, etc. You can add any of them to decorate and promote your carton project.

Awesome Animation Visual Effects

Make your cartoon presentation look professional and bring your audiences extremely wonderful experience with Animiz creative animation editor. There are 300+ animation effects (motion and hand-drawn) offered to embellish text, shapes, pictures, symbols, callouts, actors, graphics and more. These animation effects can be freely shown at the entrance, emphasis and exit moment of the object, which can really help to create an excellent presenting experience.

5 steps to make a cartoon presentation

Step 1

Get start to make a cartoon presentation in accordance with your needs.

Step 2

Make use of Camera feature and then create amazing camera effects for your presentation.

Step 3

Add animated roles to improve a vivid and lively cartoon presentation.

Step 4

Take great advantage of SWF materials to get rid of single and still content.

Step 5

Create awesome animation visual effects to make your cartoon presentation look professional.

Make Animated Video Presentations with Animiz
Free, Fast & Fun

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